Alolan Sandslash GX (Sun & Moon Promos)

Alolan Sandslash GX is one of the remaining GX Cards that is currently not available in English. Don't worry, the GX Box containing it will be released on January 2020. Anyways, this Promo Card is selected for review mainly because of its cool Ability and GX Attack

Its Ability Needle Guard put 3 Damage Counters on your opponent's Attacking Pokemon if it is damaged by it. 3 Damage Counters can Knock Out some of the Pokemon with Low HP. For instance,  Joltik (30 HP) with Night March Attack Spirit Tomb (60 HP) with Building Spite Ability can be countered with this Ability. In addition, this Ability Damage Counters can be further increased with the help of Pokemon Tool Cards.

It's GX Attack Needle Storm GX is too good to ignore. This Attack allows you to put 100 Damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon with any damage counters on it. Putting Damage Counters on your opponent's Pokemon are not that hard since there are Pokemon that can damage to all your opponent's Pokemon with 1 Attack. 100 Damage can Knock Out some of the Non EX or Non GX Pokemon so you might probably win the game if your opponent's deck only consists of those Pokemon.

Increase Ability Damage Counters

Both Rocky Helmet (Pokemon Tool) and Rock Guard (Pokemon Tool) can be used to enhance Needle Guard Ability. Rocky Helmet will put 2 Damage Counters on Attacking Pokemon whereas Rock Guard will put 6 Damage Counters on Attacking Pokemon. Since Rock Guard in ACE SPEC Card, you can't put more than 1 Card. With these Pokemon Cards, Needle Guard Ability will be able to put 5 or 9 Damage Counters on Attacking Pokemon depending on the Pokemon Tool attached to Alolan Sandslash.

One time use Pokemon Tool can also be used to enhance Needle Guard Ability. What I mean by "One Time Use" is that these Tools will be discarded at the end of your opponent turn. Bursting Balloon will put 6 Damage Counters on Attacking Pokemon whereas Giant Bomb will put massive 10 Damage Counters on Attacking Pokemon if Alolan Sandslash takes 180 or more Damage. These Tools will probably make your opponent from Attacking for a Turn when his or her Active Pokemon can be Knocked Out by Damage Counters.

Benched Damage

As mentioned earlier, Needle Storm GX will only work if there are Damage Counters on your opponent's Pokemon. Tapu Koko with Flying Flip Attack does 20 Damage to all your opponent's Pokemon in play. Although Tapu Koko is Lighting Pokemon, you can attach Water Energy Cards to it to use Flying Flip Attack since this Attack require 2 Colorless Energy. 

If your opponent's Deck contain EX Pokemon or GX Pokemon, Shire of Punishment (Stadium) can be used to put 10 Damage Counter on each of those Pokemon.


Since there are 2 Colorless Energy Cost for both Alolan Sanslash's Attack and Tapu Koko's Attack, Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy) can be attached to them to provide 2 Energy.

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