Golurk (Cosmic Eclipse)

Golurk's Attack Fist of Antiquity does 160 Damage and only 2 Colorless Energy is required to use it. However, this Attack does nothing if there is at least 1 Supporter Card in your Discard Pile.

The best way to use this Pokemon is not to put any Supporter Card in your Deck at all. Doing so, you will guarantee to have 160 Damage from Fist of Antiquity. Since this Pokemon is definitely hard to set up in Standard Format without Supporters, all the Combo Cards going to be discussed are mainly for Expanded Format.

Supporting Pokemon

Without Supporters, it will be very hard to draw and search extra cards from your Deck. The only way to replace Supporter from your Deck is that to use Pokemon with Draw Ability or Search Ability.

Zoroark GX's Ability Trade allows you to draw 2 Cards in exchange for discarding 1 Card from your Hand. It can also be used as backup Attacker because its Attack Riotous Beating costs 2 Colorless Energy. 

Octillery's Ability Abyssal Hand allows you to draw cards until you have 5 Cards in your Hand.

Just simply Drawing is not enough to win the game as it may take quite long to pull a required Card  from drawing. This is where Magcargo Ability Smooth Over comes in handy. This Ability allows you to search a Card from your Deck and put it on top of your Deck. Then, you can use either Zororark GX's Ability or Octillery's Ability to get that Card in your Hand.

Since all the Pokemon mentioned are different Stage 1 Pokemon, Ditto's Ability Almighty Evolution can be used to evolve it into your choice of Stage 1 Pokemon. Having this Pokemon greatly increases your chance of setting up the Pokemon you wanted in the early game.

Searching Pokemon

Setting up all the mentioned Pokemon is vital for using Golurk effectively. Here are some of the Item Cards that allows you to search Pokemon from your Deck.

Nest Ball allows you to search a Basic Pokemon from your Deck and put it onto your Bench.

Ultra Ball allows you to search a Pokemon from your Deck and put it into your Hand by discarding 2 Cards from your Hand.

Master Ball allows you to search a Pokemon from your Deck and put it into your Hand. But, you can only put 1 Master Ball in your Deck.


Double Colorless Energy (Special Energy) can be use for both Golurk's Attack and Zoroark's Attack.

If you have Dimension Valley (Stadium) in play, you can use Golurk's Attack with 1 Basic Energy.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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