Alolan Ninetales (Cosmic Eclipse)

Alolan Ninetales's Attck Rubbish Blizzard does 10 Damage times number of Pokemon Tool Cards in your Discard Pile. Getting massive Damage from Rubbish Blizzard will depend on how efficient you can discard Pokemon Tools from your  Deck and Hand.

The way you play this Pokemon will be similar to Rotom with Ability Roto Motor. Unlike Rotom, you don't need 8 Pokemon Tools in your Discard Pile to use Alolan Ninetales's Attack and your opponent can't prevent your Attack with effects that block your Active Pokemon's Ability. In addition, this Pokemon's Attack doesn't need a single Energy to use it.

Discarding Pokemon Tool

The fastest way to discard Pokemon Tools is through the use of Supporters and Items.

Battle Compressor (Item) allows you to discard 3 Pokemon Tools from your Deck.

Following Trainers can be used to discard Pokemon Tools from your Hand.
  • Professor Sycamore (Supporter) allows you to discard all Pokemon Tools from your Hand and then draw 7 Cards.
  • Sophocles (Supporter) allows you to discard 2 Pokemon Tools from your Hand then draws 4 Cards.
  • Ultra Ball (Item) allows you to discard 2 Pokemon Tools from your Hand. This Item can also be used to find Alolan Ninetales from your Deck.

There are some Pokemon Tools that will be discard at the end of your opponent's turn. You don't need Supporters or Items to discard those cards since these cards will discard on its own after you attach these to Alolan Ninetales.

  • Giant Bomb allows you to put 10 Damage Counters on your opponent's Active Pokemon if your Pokemon takes 180 or more Damage. 
  • Bursting Ballon allows you to put 6 Damage Counter on your opponent's Active Pokemon if your Pokemon takes Damage.
  • Metal Core Barrier is only here for self discarding effect since it effects are not compatible with Alolan Ninetales.
Both Giant Bomb and Bursting Ballon can be used to prevent your opponent's Active Pokemon from attacking especially when it has Low HP or it can be Knocked Out from your Alolan Ninetales after receiving Damage from these items.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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