Raticate Break (XY—BREAKpoint)

Whenever we heard about Raticate, only weak and fragile Pokemon come into our mind. Well, I am going to prove this wrong and share with you all that how powerful its Super Fang Attack.

Raticate Break has decent HP of 110 and its Attack Super Fang cost only 2 Energies of any type. Super Fang put Damage Counters on your Opponent Active Pokemon until only 10 HP left. Thus, your Opponent Active Pokemon will knock out in two turns no matter how High its HP is.

Moreover, there is a way to instant knock out your Opponent Active Pokemon after you use Super Fang. Since your Opponent Active Pokemon will only left with 10 HP, it will be instant knocked out if you can managed to incur 10 extra damage. This process can be done with help of the item cards.
Raticate BREAK

Instant Knock Out

After you use Hypnotoxic Laser (Item), your Opponent Active Pokemon will be poisoned. Any Pokemon with Poison Status Condition will loose 10 HP at the end of each turn.Hypnotoxic Laser

If your opponent has EX or GX Pokemon as an Active Pokemon. You can use Shrine of Punishment (Stadium) to instant knock out. This stadium cards 1 damage counter on EX or GX Pokemon between turns.
Shrine of Punishment

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