Vileplume GX (Cosmic Eclipse)

Vileplume GX Attack Massive Bloom has Huge Damage and only 2 Energy Cards is required to use the Attack. However, this Attack Damage will does 10 less Damage for each Damage Counter on Vileplume GX. So, it is important to keep it from taking Damage in order to maintains its Full HP.

It's Ability Fragrant Flower Garden can be used to heal 30 Damage from itself and all of your other Pokemon. This Ability is very compatible with Massive Bloom Attack since it maintains Vileplume GX HP as high as possible.


Because maintaining Full HP is critical for Vileplume GX, here are some of the ways which can be used to keep Vieplume GX with High HP.

Shaymin Ability Floral Heal allows you to heal 20 Damage from your Active Grass Pokemon during your turn. If you have 4 Shaymin your Bench, you will be able to heal 80 HP during your turn.

Max Potion (Item) can be used if Vileplume GX can't be saved from healing anymore. This Item remove all Damage Counters from Vileplume GX in exchange for discarding all Energy Attached to it. 

This is where Tsareena comes in handy. It's Ability Queenly Reward allows you to attach 1 Grass Energy from your Discard Pile to your Active Pokemon. Using Queenly Reward, you will be able to attach 2 Energy to Vileplume to use its Attack again.

Reduce Damage

Other than healing, Damage reduction can be used to maintain Vileplume GX with High HP.

Leavanny Ability Blanket Weaver reduces 40 Damage from your opponent's Pokemon Attack whereas Hard Charm (Stadium) reduces 20 Damage from your opponent's Pokemon Attack . Using these 2 Cards, Vileplume GX will take 60 less Damage.

Quick Evolve

Since both Vileplume GX and all the Support Pokemon are Stage 2 Pokemon, it takes quite a while to set up all the Pokemon. The quickest way to evolve all these Pokemon through Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor GX Attack Super Growth. This Attack allows you to evolve your Basic Grass Pokemon to Stage 2 Grass Pokemon if all the required cCards are in your Deck.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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