Arbok (Hidden Fates)

Arbok Attack Rocket Tail has 50 Base Damage and this Attack will deal extra 80 more Damage if Jessie & James (Supporter) in your Discard Pile.

In addition, Arbok Ability Last Patter discards 2 random Cards from your opponent's Hand when it is Knocked Out.

Team Rocket Combos

Jessie & James can be used not only to increase Arbok Damage but also to destroy opponent's Hand. Using Jessie & James make both you and your opponent to discard 2 Cards from respective Hand. 

Weezing Ability Surrender Now allows you to discard  1 more Card from your opponent's Hand if it is discarded by using Jessie & James  Total of 4 Cards can be discarded from your opponent's Hand if 2 Weezing is discarded using Jessie & James.

Take note than Jessie & James is banned in Expanded Format for balanced issue. Thus, all the Cards discussed here are for Standard Format.


Viridian Forest can be used to discard Jessie & James in order to increase Arbok Damage and also get 1 Energy for Arbok Attack.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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