Greninja & Zoroark GX (Unbroken Bonds)

Dark Pulse Attack from Greninja & Zoroark GX has 30 Base Damage and does extra 30 Damage times the amount of Dark Energy Attached to all of your Pokemon.

So, you need to attach Dark Energy Cards to your Pokemon as fast as possible in order to increase Damage from Dark Pulse Attack.

Attaching Dark Energy

There are few ways you can use to attach extra Dark Energy Cards to your Pokemon during your turn.

First one is using Battle Compressor (Item Card)and Darkrai GX Ability Restoration together. By using Battle Compressor, you can discard up to 3 Cards from your Deck. Then, put mixture of Darkrai GX and Dark Energy Cards in your Discard Pile. After that, use Darkrai GX Ability Restoration to put it onto your Bench with 1 Dark Energy Attached to it from your Discard Pile.

Since Battle Compressor is an Item Card, you can play more than 1 Battle Compressor each turn. If you play 2 Battle Compressors during your turn, you can have total of 3 extra Dark Energy Cards in play.

Also, you can use Dark Patch (Item Card) to attach 1 Dark Energy Card from your Discard Pile to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. 
You can also use either Sophocles (Supporter) or Ultra Ball (Item) to discard 2 Cards (1 Darkrai GX and 1 Dark Energy Card) if those two cards are in your Hand instead of in your Deck.
Max Elixir (Item) can also be used to attach Dark Energy Card to 1 of your Benched Pokemon if Dark Energy is within top 6 Cards of your Deck.

The last trick is using Darkrai's (Prims Star) Ability Nightmare Star and Lady (Supporter). Darkrai's Ability allow you to attach 2 Dark Enery Card from your hand to it when your play Darkrai on Bench. So, you can attach 2 Extra Dark Energy Cards during your turn.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this Deck in the comment section below.

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