Rebellious Clash Japan Set (4)

Pokemon : Voltorb

  • (C) Continuous Tumble: Flip a Coin until you get Tails. This attack does 20 Damage times the number of Heads.

Pokemon : Electrode

  • (C) Orb Collection: Search your Deck for up to 3 Energy Cards, reveal them, and put them in your Hand. Then, shuffle your Deck.
  • (L)(C) Ball Attack 70 Damage

Pokemon : Electabuzz

  • (C) Knuckle Punch 10 Damage
  • (L)(L)(C) Electroslug 70 Damage

Pokemon : Electivire

  • (L)(C) Thundershock 50 Damage : Flip a Coin. If Heads, your Opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
  • (L)(L)(C) Powered Volt 90 Damage : If this Pokemon has a Special Energy card attached to it, this attack does 90 more Damage.

Pokemon : Shinx

  • (L) Adversity 10 Damage : If your opponent has 3 or fewer Prize Cards remaining, this attack does 50 more Damage.

Pokemon : Luxio

Ability Top Entry : If you draw this Card from your Deck at the beginning of your turn and there is room on your Bench, instead of putting it into your Hand, you may play it directly onto your Bench.

  • (L) Elekick 30 Damage

Pokemon : Luxray

  • (L) Raid 60 Damage : If this Pokemon evolved from Luxio during your turn, this attack does 100 more Damage.
  • (L)(C) Head Bolt 120 Damage

Pokemon : Toxtricity V

  • (L) Poison Jab 20 Damage : Your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Poisoned.
  • (L)(L)(C) Electric Riot 90+ Damage : This attack does 90 more Damage if your opponent’s Active Pokemon is Poisoned.

Pokemon : Toxtricity VMAX

  • (L)(L)(C) Giganto Riot 160+ Damage : This attack does 80 more Damage if your Opponent’s Active Pokemon is Poisoned.

Pokemon : Morpeko

  • (C) Torment 20 Damage : Choose 1 of your Opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attacks. The Defending Pokemon can’t use that attack during your Opponent’s next turn.
  • (L)(C) Spark 50 Damage : This attack does 20 Damage to 1 of your Opponent’s Benched Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

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