Duraludon (Promo Card)

Card Description

Pokemon : Duraludon (130 HP)

Type : Metal (Basic Pokemon)

  • (M)(C)(C)  Metal Claw  70
  • (M)(C)(C)(C) Metal Beam 150: The Pokemon does 40 Damage to itself
Resistance : Grass (-30)

Weakness : Fire (x2)

Retreat Cost : 2 Energy

Data Entry : Its polished metal body is not only light but also sturdy. However, the body is prone to rusting quickly.

This Promo Card will launched on next issue on Corocoro Ichiban Magazine. So far, this is the first non-starter Pokemon Card from Sword & Shield Expansion.

Unlike most of the Metal Pokemon Card that has resistance to Psychic, Duraludon (Promo) has resistance to Grass instead. This is probably because of its dual type (Steel & Dragon) which has 4x Resistance to Grass and 2x Resistance to Psychic. Another point to take note is that its Resistance is -30 instead of -20 as usual. This indicates that more cards from Sword & Shield Expansion will also have -30 Resistance in future.

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