Slowpoke & Psyduck GX (Unified Minds)

Ditch and Splash Attack from Slowpoke & Psyduck does 40 Damage for each Supporter Card your discards from your Hand. Getting High Damage from this attack is straight forward since all you have to do is to draw Supporter Cards. If you manage to discard 8 Supporter Cards from using this attack, you can Knock Out any Pokemon.

Drawing Supporters

Misty's Favor(Supporter) allows you to draw 3 Supporter Cards in your Hand. You can also recycle Misty's Favor from your Discard Pile by using Laparas with Ability Mermaid's Call. Now, you will be able to discard 4 Supporter Cards (160 Damage) for Ditch and Splash Attack.

You will be able to discard 6 Supporter Cards every turn when you have 4 Misty's Favor in your Discard Pile and 4 Lapras on your Bench. So, Damage from Ditch and Splash will be increased to 240 Damage.
Here are other Trainer Cards which can be used to draw Supporter Cards.

Steven's Resolve (Supporter) allows you to draw any 3 Cards from your Deck but your turn ends after using this card.

Green's Exploration (Supporter) allows you to draw 2 Trainer Cards from your Deck but you can play this card only if you have no Pokemon with Ability in play.

Lt.Surge's Strategy (Supporter) allows you to play 2 more Supporter Card during your turn if you have more Prize Cards than your opponent. For instant, you can play 2 Misty's Favor to get 6 Supporter Cards after you use Lt.Surge's Strategy.

Jirachi Ability Stellar Wish allows you to look at top 5 Cards of your Deck and put 1 Trainer Card you find there into your Hand once per turn.

Similar to Steller Wish, Pokeger 3.0 (Item) allow you to look at top 7 Cards of your Deck and put 1 Supporter card you find there into your Hand.

Recycling Supporters

Pal Pad allows you to shuffle 2 Supporter Cards from your Discard Pile into your Deck.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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