Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX (Hidden Fates)

Trinity Burn Attack from Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX has Huge Damage of 210 and you can use this Attack every turn without waiting. The only problem is that the Attack require 4 Energy Cards and 3 Energy Cards are different types (Fire, Water and Electric).

If you manage to attach 4 Energy Cards for Trinity Burn, you will also be able to use Sky Legends GX extra effect. This extra effect allow you to put 11 Damage Counters on 3 of your opponent's Pokemon in addition to shuffle Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX and all cards attached to it into your deck.

Attach Energy

The quickest way to attach 4 Energy Cards (Fire, Water, Electric & Colorless) to this GX Pokemon is using Victini Attack Victory Sign. Victory Sign allows you to attach 2 Different Types of Basic Energy from your Deck to your Pokemon. So, you will be able to use Trinity Burn Attack in 2 Turns.

Another way is to use Morgan (Supporter). This Supporter allows you to look at top 12  cards of your deck and attach Energy Cards you find there to your Pokemon. But, you need to discard Dana, Evelyn and Nita from your Hand in order to use Morgan.

If you have either Morgan, Dana , Evelyn or Nita in your Hand, you can use Misty's Favor to pull other 3 Cards from your Deck. So, you will be able to use Morgan during your next turn.
Although Dana, Evelyn and Nita can't be used to attach Energy, these cards can be use as either Draw Supporter or Remove Energy from your opponent's

Switch Energy

Sometimes, your GX Pokemon might have duplicate Energy Cards instead of required Energy Cards. You can use Rainbow Brush (Item) to switch 1 of the duplicate Energy Cards with right Energy Cards.

Increase Damage

Equipping Choice Band to your GX Pokemon will allow you to Knock Out some of your opponent's TAG Team GX with 1 Hit since Trinity Burn Damage will become 240.

Energy Cards

In addition Fire, Water and Electric Energy Cards in your Deck, it is also a good idea to put follow Special Energy Cards as these cards provide every type of 1 Energy.

Share with us if you have other techniques or strategies of using this card in the comment section below.

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